Section 13.3 Application: Conservative Vector Fields in Space
In Section 8.2 we stated without a proof that a closed vector field, on a simply connected domain is conservative. We now want to apply the theorem of Stokes to sketch a proof. Simply connected means that every closed curve in can be continuously deformed into a point in without ever leaving as shown in Figure 8.9. It turns out that this is equivalent to the following. Suppose that and are smooth curves in connecting to Then it is possible to deform smoothly into without leaving When doing this the “trace” left by the moving curve defines a surface, with boundary as shown in Figure 13.5.
We saw in Section 8.2 that a vector field defined on a subset of is closed if and only if on Hence, if is closed, then the above surface integral is zero, and therefore
This shows that line integrals are path independent and thus is conservative.