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Section 13.3 Application: Conservative Vector Fields in Space

In Section 8.2 we stated without a proof that a closed vector field, f, on a simply connected domain DR3 is conservative. We now want to apply the theorem of Stokes to sketch a proof. Simply connected means that every closed curve in D can be continuously deformed into a point in D without ever leaving D as shown in Figure 8.9. It turns out that this is equivalent to the following. Suppose that C0 and C1 are smooth curves in D connecting x0D to x1D. Then it is possible to deform C0 smoothly into C1 without leaving D. When doing this the “trace” left by the moving curve defines a surface, S, with boundary S=C0C1 as shown in Figure 13.5.
Figure 13.5. A surface traced out by deforming one curve smoothly into another.
Choosing consistent orientations for S and S we get from Stokes’ Theorem Theorem 13.2
We saw in Section 8.2 that a vector field defined on a subset D of R3 is closed if and only if curlf=0 on D. Hence, if f is closed, then the above surface integral is zero, and therefore
This shows that line integrals are path independent and thus f is conservative.