In this section we want to define arc length, that is, the length of a curve. We suppose that ,, is a regular parametrisation of a smooth curve . To find its length we choose a partition . We then approximate by the polygon with vertices as shown in Figure 7.6.
The length of the polygon will always be smaller than the length of the curve as we always take a `shortcut’ from one point to the next on the polygon. If we take a finer partition, that is, make smaller, we expect to get a closer approximation of the length of . This motivates the following definition.
The above definition is not very handy to compute the length of . Using that the curve is smooth we want to derive a formula to compute its length. Setting we can rewrite (7.2) as
Note that the length of a curve is independent of the orientation of the curve. To compute the length of a piecewise smooth curve we add up the lengths of all its smooth parts.
Let us finally look at two special cases of the above formula. First assume that is a continuously differentiable function on the interval . Then the function