Section 11.1 The Divergence Theorem in the Plane
We want to get an interpretation of the integral on the right hand side. To do so suppose that
is a regular parametrisation of some part consistent with the orientation of By definition of the line integral we have
We can view the integrand on the right hand side as a dot product of with the vector We rescale the latter to unit length and define
Observe that is perpendicular to the positive unit tangent vector As it is outward pointing, it is called the outward pointing unit normal to Both vectors are shown in Figure 11.1.
Hence we can rewrite our integral as
By our Definition 7.15 of line integrals we see that
Let denote a very small line element. If models the motion of a fluid (direction and velocity of fluid at a given point) then is the flux across through the line element and is the approximate amount of fluid flowing across the boundary through The situation is depicted in Figure 11.2. Note that the area of the parallelogram and the rectangle are the same.
Hence the integral on the right hand side of (11.1) represents the total flux of across Note that the above arguments are completely analogous to those used in Section 9.6 to find the flux of a vector field in space across a surface. Going back to the original formula we see that
Remark 11.4.
Often the divergence of a vector field is written using the nabla operator in Definition 8.15. Formally, is the scalar product of with and so we write
We can now rewrite Green’s theorem. In that form it has a different name.
Theorem 11.5. Divergence Theorem.
There is a direct generalisation of the Divergence Theorem to three or more dimensions. We will discuss it in Chapter 12.