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Section 10.2 Green’s Theorem

Recall that by a smooth vector field we mean a vector field f=(f1,f2), where f1 and f2 have continuous partial derivatives. We will always assume that f is defined on an open set U, and that DU.


To prove Green’s Theorem we first consider very special cases and put them together to obtain the general formula.

Case 1.

Suppose that D is a domain which can be described as
where a<b are constants, and φ<ψ are continuously differentiable functions. Further assume that f2=0, that is,
To compute
we determine the path integral over the curves C1-C4 indicated in Figure 10.4, and then add them up to get the total integral.
Figure 10.4. Special Domain
We first look at C1, which we can parametrise by (b,t), t[φ(b),ψ(b)]. According to the definition of the line integral (see Definition 7.15) we get
In much the same way we compute the integral over C3, the reverse of which we can parametrise by (a,t), t[φ(a),ψ(a)]. As before we get
We next compute the integral over C2. We can parametrise the reverse of C2 by (t,ψ(t)), t[a,b]. Note that this parametrisation is against the orientation of C2, so we get
In a similar manner we get the integral over C4. Note however, that the orientation of the parametrisation (t,φ(t)), t[a,b] is consistent with the orientation. Hence we get
Adding the four integrals together we finally get
We next want to rewrite the right hand side of the above equation. To do so we set for every fixed t[a,b]
where g is defined for all x2[φ(t),ψ(t)]. By the fundamental theorem of calculus we can write
By the definition of partial derivatives we have
Substituting all this into (10.2) we get
Note that we can rename t by x1 (this was our choice for the parameter anyway). Then the formula becomes
Applying Fubini’s Theorem 5.12 we finally get

Case 2.

We next consider the special case with D of the form
where a<b are constants and φ<ψ two continuously differentiable functions on [a,b]. Moreover, let us assume that f1=0, so that f=(0,f2). We can reduce this case to the previous one by interchanging the role of x1 and x2.
Figure 10.5. Another special domain
Note however, that this changes the orientation of the boundary of D, changing the sign in the line integral. Hence

Case 3.

Let us now assume that D admits a representation of the form considered in Case 1 and Case 2 simultaneously. This is the case if every horizontal and vertical line intersect the domain in exactly two points or exactly one line segment. First we use the fact that D admits a representation considered in Case 1. Applying this to the vector field (f1,0) we get
Next we use the fact that D admits a representation considered in Case 2. Applying this to the vector field (0,f2) we get
Adding these formluas we get equation (10.1). This proves Green’s theorem for the special domains considered.

Case 4.

We now consider a general domain. It can be shown that every piecewise smooth domain can be decomposed into finitely many domains satisfying the conditions of Case 3, at least in suitably chosen coordinates. For a rigorous proof we refer to [1], Sections 10-14. We only illustrate the idea by some examples shown in Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.7.
Figure 10.6. Decomposition of some non-convex domains.
Figure 10.7. Decomposition of a domain with a hole.
Note that the line integrals along the interior boundaries appear twice in opposite directions. Hence if we add up the line integrals over the boundaries of the sub-domains they cancel. This completes the proof of Green’s theorem.

Remark 10.8.

Let us emphasise the importance of the assumption that f be smooth in D! If f has a singularity in D then (10.1) does not need to be true. As an example consider the vector field from Example 8.12. From the calculations made there it is clear that the integral in (10.1) over D is zero, whereas the line integral is 2π. The reason is that f has a singularity at (0,0).