If is an interior point of then is defined on a small interval , and zero is an interior point. From the calculus of one variables we know that is the slope of the graph of the function at . Hence is the slope of the cross-section of the graph of through in the -direction. This motivates the following definition.
as it is often seen among beginning students. The last two symbols have a meaning on their own right, the first being the ‘variation’, and the other being the ‘total derivative’ of a function. An example showing the difference between partial and total derivatives will be shown in Example 4.23.
By definition of the partial derivative with respect to we have
Similarly we have
Hence both partial derivatives exist, and thus . Look at the cross-sections through the graph of shown in Figure 3.29 along the coordinate axis to visualise the result.
For functions of one variable we know that differentiability at a point implies continuity of the function at that point. Note however, that the existence of all partial derivatives of a function of several variables does not imply the continuity of the function at the corresponding point: The function considered in the previous example has partial derivatives at , but is discontinuous at as shown in Example 3.30.