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Section 2.3 Level Sets

We can generalise the idea of contour lines to higher dimensions, and consider what we call level sets. If f is a function defined on a set DRN with values in R we call the set
a level set (to the level c). If N=2 then f1[c] are the contour lines from Section 2.2. For N=3 we can still visualise the level sets. In general they are surfaces in R3, and often called level surfaces.

Example 2.8.

As a first example look at the function f(x,y,z)=x2/4+y2/9+z2 defined on R3. To find the level surface, say to the level c=1, we can look at cross-sections along some coordinate plains. Let us take the plane z=0. Then f(x,y,0)=x2/4+y2/9=1, which is the equation of an ellipse with axis of length 2 and 3. Similarly we consider y=0, which leads to the ellipse f(x,0,z)=x2/4+z2=1 with axis 2 and 1. Doing the same on the third coordinate plane, x=0, we get the ellipse f(x,y,z)=y2/9+z2 with axis 3 and 1. The resulting surface is the ellipsoid shown in Figure 2.9.
Figure 2.9. The level surface f(x,y,z)=x2/4+y2/9+z2=1.

Example 2.10.

We next consider some level sets of f(x,y,z)=x2+y2z2. Observe that the function is rotationally symmetric about the z-axis. Hence the level surfaces f1[c] can be obtained by revolving the curve f(x,0,z)=c about the z-axis.
We determine the surfaces for the levels c=0,±1. If c=0 then f(x,0,z)=0=x2z2 is given by z=±x. Hence f1[0] is a double cone centred about the z-axis as shown in Figure 2.11. For c=1 we have f(x,0,z)=1=x2z2, implying that x=±1+z2. Revolving about the about the z-axis we get the corresponding surface in Figure 2.12. Proceeding similarly for c=1 we get f(x,0,z)=1=x2z2, or z=±1+x2. These are the same hyperbolas as before but turned by 90. As a result the corresponding level surface of f shown in Figure 2.13 consists of two shells.
Figure 2.11. Level surfaces f(x,y,z)=x2+y2z2=c for c=0.
Figure 2.12. Level surfaces f(x,y,z)=x2+y2z2=c for c=1.
Figure 2.13. Level surfaces f(x,y,z)=x2+y2z2=c for c=1.