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Section 6.2 Evaluation of Triple Integrals

As with double integrals, triple integrals can be evaluated by computing iterated integrals if the domain is given in a suitable form. The form is
Note that the projection of D along the z-axis onto the xy-axis is given by
and that the condition ψ(x,y)zΨ(x,y) indicates that D is between the graph of ψ and Ψ over D0. By slicing the domain into thin domains similarly as done in Section 5.2 one can show the following generalised version of Fubini’s theorem.

Example 6.3.

Let D be the domain bounded below by z=x2+y2, and bounded from above by 9x2+4y2+z2=5. Find the limits for the triple integral of a function f(x,y,z) over the domain D.
We first find the projection, D0, of the domain onto the xy-plane. The intersection of z=x2+y2 and 9x2+4y2+z2=5 forms a curve in space. Its projection onto the xy-plane is the boundary of D0. To find that projection we eliminate z from the two equations. If we substitute the first into the second equation we get
which we can write as 2x2+y2=1.
The last equation describes an ellipse, so we have that D0 is given by
  • 12x12
  • 12x2y12x2.
From the conditions on z we finally get
  • x2+y2z59x24y2
Hence by Fubini’s Theorem we can write
If f is given we need to compute three integrals, starting with the innermost.